Bóng Compact Master PL-T Top 42W/840/4P - PHILIPS

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Tên sản phẩm: Bóng Compact Master PL-T Top 42W/840/4P - PHILIPS
Mã sản phẩm PL-T Top 42W/840/4P
Giá mới Giá liên hệ
Nhóm sản phẩm: Bóng đèn LED/Compact gián tiếp PL-C, PL-T
Lượt xem 4274
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Product Features

• 4-pin base without starter and capacitor
• Lamp characteristics are influenced by operating conditions andcontrol gear used
• Lamp performance is governed by temperature of the coolest spot
• Dimming is possible

Product Benefits

• Optimal light performance for short or long operationper switch-on
• Long life and sustainable light output


• Designed for general lighting in shops, offices, hotels and specifictask lighting, as well as outdoors in residential areas and parks

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