THIẾT BỊ CHIẾU SÁNG NHÃN HIỆU PHILIPS - Bóng đèn huỳnh quang (tuýp) - Bộ chuyển đổi bóng huỳnh quang T8 sang T5 - TL5 RetroSave - PHILIPS

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Tên sản phẩm: Bộ chuyển đổi bóng huỳnh quang T8 sang T5 - TL5 RetroSave - PHILIPS
Mã sản phẩm TL5 RetroSave
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Nhóm sản phẩm: Bóng đèn huỳnh quang (tuýp)
Lượt xem 5912
Bài viết giới thiệu sản phẩm


• Easily replace existing T8 standard lamps on electromagnetic ballast
• Quality design and safe to use with special protector SPL025
• Highly efficient 3-band fluorescent coating
• Reduced Hg content with solid mercury technology
• Environment friendly: RoHS compliant
• Compact design enables easy fit into normal T8 luminaires


• Up to 35% energy saving compared to T8 electromagnetic system,and maintains same light level
• Short pay back period of less than 1 year (12h/day)
• Low maintenance cost with longer life time of RetroSave battenand lamp
• High quality light with super 80 technology, good color rendering
• Improved system power factor up to 0.99
• Instant start


• Suitable to replace normal T8 lamps with electromagnetic gears forindoor applications
• Recommended to be used in industry, commercial areas, car park,subway, public buildings, general areas
• Best fit for industry and commercial battens


• The special protector SPL025 is required to replace the existingglow starter
• Cannot be used in T8 lamps on DC supply, emergency lightingsystem or rapid start system
• G13 pin designed with Horizontal or Vertical direction to fitdifferent lamp holders in luminaire

Product ID

TL5 RetroSave-V 14W/830 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-V 14W/840 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-V 14W/865 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-H 14W/830 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-H 14W/840 1CT/30
TL5 RetroSave-H 14W/865 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-V 28W/830 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-V 28W/840 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-V 28W/865 1CT/30 
TL5 RetroSave-H 28W/830 1CT/30
TL5 RetroSave-H 28W/840 1CT/30
TL5 RetroSave-H 28W/865 1CT/30

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